Sunday, November 25, 2012

HELLOW YELLOW...!!! -2nd-


Hellooooooowwww Yelloooooowww..!!! Wooo hooooo.. ^o^
Finally I'm back with this hellow yellow part 2!!! Such a weirdo absolutely.. I hope this second return will be more focus and serious to take a part of my daily activity..

Actually, just wanna shout out to y'all that finally I forgot my password almost 3 times hahahahaaa..

Okeeei, my lil'brother get bored to get this laptop back..soo I gotta gooo..
See you all in next post!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Welcome, Bachelor!


Alhamdulillahirabbilalamin.. Again, being grateful to Allah SWT for every single step I had. Thousand thanks addressed to my beloved parents and my lovely siblings, Mas Adit and Ndy..
They are never beside me every secs, but they remain in my heart..
They even do not know how to support and encouraging my spirit, but they always know how to boost my mood..
They are always there,  forever.. called FAMILY!
Thanks...thanks for everything, for having such a complicated yet humble and solid family..
I am not cumlaude, either not come from state university or well-known private campus.. but this simple degree is specially dedicated for my family.. LOVE! **July 12, 2012**

Yep, referring to my previous "diploma graduation" that my maam was multi-talent producer & director..designing my kebaya+songket, tailor-ing, becoming makeup artist, styling my hijab.. All-in and all-free!!! can I not adore you so muchy, Maam!~~

NOT this time! I mean, this time for you to relax and please be only my special tailor.. I will design my kebaya+songket, touch up, and style my hijab. Everything is all by my own! Yeaaah... ;) (y)

Voila !!! *actually,this is taken afternoon,after the event, after touchdown home...nothing is more :)*

Well.. I didn't mean to be an ambassador of both advertising,for sure... :p


Aaak! we were graduated together in diploma..but you left me behind now, tante Nihaa :')

Ibuuu,You are My Sun.. Bapakkk, You are My Shine.. You Both are My SunShine!!! ♥ you damn much...
and Cheriiioooo !!!